Bill that concerned residential solar advocates faces likely defeat

Camille Erickson Acontroversial bill asking state utility regulators to review Wyoming’s system for regulating rooftop solar was put in jeopardy Friday after a legislative committee voted to postpone a decision on the matter following hours of impassioned public comment against the measure. The proposed legislation would have required the Public Service Commission to conduct Read more…

Biden’s dilemma: Land for renewables

ENERGY TRANSITIONSBiden’s dilemma: Land for renewablesPeter Behr and Jeffrey Tomich, E&E News reportersPublished: Wednesday, March 24, 2021Reaching President Biden’s goal of zeroing out economywide U.S. carbon emissions by 2050 would require siting renewable energy generation on 228,000 square miles of land, under one future grid scenario calculated by Princeton University analysts. While Read more…